I have found it so horrible watching the baby-boomer men behave in this " I'm just a hapless bumbling idiot" manner since I was a boy.

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We don’t have to live like this. We can make ourselves independent of those clowns. An ex-military and expert on Islamic insurgencies and a Southern nationalist explained how Iran succeed in cultivating radical movements and how Irish succeeded in their revolution. Both series have a keen insight that came from having an intense knowledge of military, religious, and political factors in both Iran and Ireland. Very profitable even if one isn’t a Southern.








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A great piece of writing

If only ,people would get out their bibles and see what Paul says in Galatians 3.28.

"There is neither Jew nor Gentiles, male nor female , slave or free..All are on in Christ Jesus."

All attempts to divide us at the Cross are demonic. But if nobody is there, noone is checking what Christianity sets out? Then no wonder we are doomed

No black or white, no reparations or gender crap, no educated profession or thick rube. End of politics . That would be grand

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The universalism of salvation through Christ is not identical to the realities of racial conflict. Putting blinders on is going to lead you to the path of clowns like Walz.

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Racial communism will never be 'grand".

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Candace Owens is bright and beautiful and Catholic. E Michael Jones is a great American intellectual. Jesus Christ did rise from the dead. The sacraments are the channels of grace. God will send the wicked to hell. We can put our own house in order and leave demography in God’s hands. They can only kill you once.

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The current trajectory of demography in Europe and the US is satan’s doing, not God’s. satan wants to kill steal and destroy, and he’s importing those who eagerly do it for him

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Negro worship is ugly and EMJ is a racial communst.

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Perhaps, but today, as with yesterday, white people run the world.

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If so, why can you say anything you want about Whites but can't say 'boo' to a jew without losing everything.

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As an American I have a right to say anything I want about anybody.

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No, you don’t. Say something bad about a jew and all of your rights disappear in a miasma of ‘civil rights’ and ‘hate speech’ and ‘anti-Semitism’.

All ‘rights’ are a function of power molded into habit and convention. They don’t exist like an electron exists, they’re a social construct.

You speak against jews in a way the jews don’t like and they’re ruin you.

And now you’re going to say that it’s their ‘right’ to ruin anyone who speaks out against them.

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I just said something I wanted to say, and the FBI did not come to arrest me.

Here, let’s try again. Jews are evil and they actually are responsible for the Holocaust.

See how easy that was?

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What the problem is (and I'll probably receive blowback from everybody for saying this) is that in today's Western society, (white?) masculinity has become pretty much just another external performative art (of the ilk of both Andrew Tate's macho misogynist posturing and drag queens twerking for children, and of course, your Tim Waltz example) instead of a will and intent personal grounding (if you're a man) in your own male spirit, mind and body, and living your own life with dignity, purpose, and aplomb, fuck what the rest of the world thinks and believes.

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My urge to smash this guy’s face with a brick is growing with every time I see his fake smile and corpulent carcass.

I hope that whoever has the files on his lifetime of kid diddling will get his ransom and then release the evidence anyways. A public hanging focuses the mind. Just make sure it’s a very sturdy rope.

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