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This week on IN THE RAW, I’m talking to ace science-fiction writer Leo Vladimirsky about his work, the literary scene and its prospects after regime-change.
Leo and I ran into each other in December at Sovereign House, when I was in New York. He’s since published a great short story on the MAN’S WORLD website, “The Dog That Turns the Wheel,” about women giving birth to pet dogs… Trust me, you’ll want to read this. We talk about it in the podcast—and much more.
Leo Vladimirsky is a writer of commercial truths and science fictions. You can find him on twitter (@dirtyuncleleo), dirtyuncleleo.substack.com and dirtyuncleleo.com. His collected published fiction, MECONIUM, is available on amazon: https://a.co/d/fwDcnIg
PS: if you have any taste for wagner (which i know is random) i did an arrangement of the vorspiel from das rheingold for heavily distorted electric guitars and recorded it as doomspiel. a fun four minutes spent to listen, if you like that sort of thing: https://leovladimirsky.com/doomspiel-das-rheingold
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