Thank you for informing about Old Sovereign book publishers that are in reality, Book Binders.
Book binding is becoming a lost art but with good reason, like steel foundries, leaves a nation without subject to no back bone and bone heads for citizenry, without book learning that can be socially engineered into oblivion, which constantly shifts like the wind & unable to rationalize why, what, how, or when possibilities may be possible to a prepared
“The Laws of a country are necessarily connected with everything belonging to the people of it - so that a thorough knowledge of them, and of their progress, would inform us of everything that was most useful to be known about them - and one of the greatest imperfections of historians in general, is owing to their ignorance of law.” Priestley’s Lect. On Hist. Vol. 1. Page 149.
But like history, it belongs to the victors. And he who preserves history factually, will never be beguiled.
Never forget our political, spiritual and binding force by which we seek in good will to serve all walks of life seeking unanimity similarly situated thereby:
"In essentials, unanimity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, honor."
It only makes sense to buy a book of this cost and quality manufacture if you've read the work before, and no matter how many times you read it again, you experience the same level of reading enjoyment. M.R. James's ghost stories are one of the few things I think have that attribute. I'm looking forward to seeing the edition Sovereign comes out with next year.
Thank you for informing about Old Sovereign book publishers that are in reality, Book Binders.
Book binding is becoming a lost art but with good reason, like steel foundries, leaves a nation without subject to no back bone and bone heads for citizenry, without book learning that can be socially engineered into oblivion, which constantly shifts like the wind & unable to rationalize why, what, how, or when possibilities may be possible to a prepared
“The Laws of a country are necessarily connected with everything belonging to the people of it - so that a thorough knowledge of them, and of their progress, would inform us of everything that was most useful to be known about them - and one of the greatest imperfections of historians in general, is owing to their ignorance of law.” Priestley’s Lect. On Hist. Vol. 1. Page 149.
But like history, it belongs to the victors. And he who preserves history factually, will never be beguiled.
Never forget our political, spiritual and binding force by which we seek in good will to serve all walks of life seeking unanimity similarly situated thereby:
"In essentials, unanimity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, honor."
Be wise, safe & blessed,
I hope they take a look at the unserved market of Grandparents with grandsons and -nephews.
The Howard Pease books are in or coming into public domain.
It only makes sense to buy a book of this cost and quality manufacture if you've read the work before, and no matter how many times you read it again, you experience the same level of reading enjoyment. M.R. James's ghost stories are one of the few things I think have that attribute. I'm looking forward to seeing the edition Sovereign comes out with next year.