From the excerpt you provided with your podcast episode, the story is one of those rare pieces of fiction about erotica where the erotic elements are seamlessly, beautifully integrated into the story (such that the story would not be as good without those elements) rather than being utterly gratuitous. If the rest of the Man's World issue that the story's in is as well written, I may have to abandon the principles of my cheap miserly skinflint ways, and fork over (tightness squeaking) my $29.95 for the physical issue. (Damn, was I spoiled by the days the magazine was wholly digital and downloadable.)

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It felt like this convo didn't really take off the way it should have. Either REN wasnt as sharp as usual.. or... he got what he asked for, engagement with a good artist, who is different from the usual kind of people that traverse our spheres.

anyway, this should get another chance.

Sending power!

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