Outstanding!! I've had the same line of conversation with Boomers of late who themselves weren't set up to fail and cause failure to launch while forgetting what they taught you. At the end of the day they revert to juvenile behaviors and shinny things are more welcome to them than establishing a healthy family and community as a whole and they, not millenials are the real spoiled brats who refuse to acknowledge their own behavior and decisions that got millenials where they are and not talking about the realities of the state of affairs and the economy and how they either want to be isolated and alone or cherished, well cared for and working together for the good of the family is supposed to be a hallmark of the prodigal parable to begin with when it's broken down. Great article. I had to send this in screenshots to my Dad and FIL to let them see it's not just me talking about what you did here way more eloquently than I have been able to. Hopefully that another man is talking about it now will help. Thank you for putting this out!!

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I'm really pleased you liked the episode. I'm sure Connor will return to talk with me again!

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There bas never been a moment in my 72 years when there were MORE opportunities than now. The problem is the younger generation has been ‘demoralized’ to the extent they feel like it will be impossible for them to create a good life without massive help. This is simply not true. Now is an amazing moment in history.

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There's truth here, William. We should encourage the younger generation to develop these opportunities. They don't have the life experience to see them naturally, and many were not taught by their parents. They were told to keep your head down, stay in school, go to college, work and pay into retirement for 50 years, and then you'll be able to retire down in Florida, too.

The fact is that has trapped a lot of young people. I encourage you to do what you can to actively help the important young people in your life to realize the opportunities that you see available to them.

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I do. Climate Change rhetoric has demoralized many young people. Not my sons. But many of their friends.

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yes everybody has the best kids in the world

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My sons didn’t fall for it. But they are older. They finished school before it really took hold.

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Feb 29, 2024
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It isn’t.

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But it could be easily enough.

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I've gotta give kudos to the elders in the comments who are in the loop and reading Raw Egg Nationalist. It's easy to hate on boomers, even for boomers to hate on boomers from my experience, but there's a lot more of them that are aware of the programming and have been fighting it for much longer than many of us have been born as well.

"Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth." Ephesians 6:2-3.

We would do well to reckon with what this commandment really means for us on both an individual and communal level. For those us may not have good elders in their lives, which are many unfortunately, to be sure, it would do well to seek out those elders who do care for the young people around them--they exist. Many have experience, connections, possessions, etc. that they have accumulated but have no one to leave it to and would love to give a leg up to a young person. As we all fight to develop high trust communities, hopefully we will find each other and build a greater legacy than we could ever do out on our meagre own.

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Spot on, and I hate Boomers. Of course there are the few exceptions, and the "squares" who saw what was happening and tried to warn us. There just weren't enough of them. That horrible commandment should read "Honor your ancestors." That's what you're really doing, in honoring the hard work, sacrifice, history, and traditions of the people who brought you into being, not your horrible Boomers parents who definitely in no way honored their own parents and ancestors.

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I am a dreaded ‘boomer’. Put my daughter thru school to become an RN. She had so many grants that when she graduated I gave her the $30k remaining in her 529. She married just out of college. Great kid but he came out of same college with $40k in debt. They both secured good jobs. I paid off his college debt and gifted them $20k to buy a house, which they did at 24-years old. I am literally 3 hours away and see them regularly. My only daughter will inherit more than $2M when my wife and I croak. My point, the author is right in his outline and all dreaded boomers should follow suit.

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Commendable. You sound like a great father, and I pray that your daughter and her husband will make good use of the help and love you are providing to start having some children soon while they're in their best years to continue building a great legacy.

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there will never be wisdom coming from boomers. they got dumber as they got older. so forget that. if you want to know how to destroy the most perfectly functioning country ever created ask a boomer. that is the only "wisdom" they can convey

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best thing boomers can do is to hang themselves. the most destructive generation in world history and that is the way it will go down

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Biden et al aren’t boomers. That group in conjunction with Millennials form the most dangerous group of all time. A large group of boomers are stupid. But that is true of every generation.

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Biden is tail-end Silent. Basically a Boomer.

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so biden is the only bad politician?

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Almost all are bad, unfortunately. Every generation.

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But this latest generation? Holy Cow. Tlaib, AOC, Omar etc? And they are in their prime.

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I'm GenX. My divorced Boomer father has no wisdom to impart, and is way too selfish and narcissistic to sacrifice anything for his family. I wouldn't want him imparting anything to my children. Boomers have collectively screwed things up so much I think most just need to permanently go away.

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I have a business with my youngest. He lives above me in the PH of a high rise we built together. He lives there with his wife and two kids whom I see nearly everyday. My wife babysits our granddaughter two to three days a week. My eldest lives five floors below me. My second eldest owns a suite in the same building but doesn’t live there yet. He and his wife and two kids will be soon. That means me and my three sons and four grandchildren will live in the same building, which we built together. I am a boomer. Be a good Dad. Many of us are.

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Good. The vast majority of your generation aren't like you at all. GenX was known as "slackers." I am not, but I don't deny the overall characteristics of my generation (or humans as a whole).

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Your last line is absurd and stupid. You just wished away 25M people because your own dad is a moron. You cannot lump all boomers as the same. You need to get your head straight. You are becoming a dickhead like your father.

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Boomers used all the economic productivity of the past (systems/infrastructure they did not maintain), present, and future ($35T in debt) to finance their own lives and priorities. The responsible ones who aren't still parasites will be just fine. The rest will find out how much their families (they likely destroyed through divorce) love them.

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how are you to have a close society when the boomers have taken the white race from 90% to 58%. 450 languages spoke in NYC. then when you point it out to them they savagely defend the destruction they caused. like outing a gay man in the 50's. they destroyed every foundation the country was founded on

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