Jun 17Liked by Raw Egg Nationalist

We are down the rabbit hole now, thanks largely to the stupidity, cowardice and corruption of The Stupid Party’s longtime milquetoast response to “climate change.” Because our GOP overlords are really just 1970s Democrats (and Democrats are 1970s communists) who rely on BigAgra, BigPharma, BigEverything political “contributions” (bribes), they have tried to split the difference with “climate change is real but not that bad” statements that have allowed the ClimateHoax to go on unabated. The climate has changed for billions of years BECAUSE THE SUN PRODUCES HEAT VARIABLY and is not a machine that Michael Mann, Deborah Birx and Bill Gates - despite their outsized levels of narcissism - can control.

I mention Mann and Birx because as a Penn State alum who is not a captured moron, these two Happy Valley products are an embarrassment. Then again, the rest of the Big Ten (or is twenty now) keeps passing PSU in most rankings as PSU goes for Wokeness rather than excellence. My straight-A rising-11th daughter, a D1 prospect in soccer and softball, will be looking elsewhere and my son just finished his freshman year (3.81) at better-college Maryland. But I digress…

Until sane Republicans - not the feminized UniParty ones - get off their asses and primary the jerkoffs who no longer represent us in any way, by voting out the testosterone-free dead wood via Primaries, nothing will change. An Article 5 Convention can do nothing but help as well. Get active conservatives! USA is circling the drain. www.conventionofstates.com

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Jun 18Liked by Raw Egg Nationalist

Of course there should be a nationwide standard set to remove most plastic packaging & impose glass containers whenever possible.

Unlike plastic glass is recyclable. Pointing out that plastic recycling is a corporate scam would go a long way to getting environmental types on board.

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You don't try to turn off a garden hose by squeezing the end, you close the valve. In the same way, the regulations provide a great valve to cut the flow. Grabbing that valve seems quite logical, when you see it that way.


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Jun 18Liked by Raw Egg Nationalist

We humans are so obsessive and gullible. If we were more reasonable in our choices we wouldn’t be in this mess. One day we will grow up and government won’t need to mandate anything. Maybe!

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Jun 18Liked by Raw Egg Nationalist

Most people are just sheep. All cultural change comes from a kind of upper-middle-class elite that impose standards. Organic standards, Whole Foods Market, & biking trails, banning indoor smoking… these changes came from sophisticated leadership.

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If it is right to ban lab-grown meat, then by the same logic, shouldn't we ban other ultra-processed foods? They are arguably just as dangerous. And what about sugar-soaked breakfast cereals saturated with glyphosate? Twinkies? Canola oil? Are we going to say that lab-grown meat should be illegal, but these other things are perfectly acceptable?

All of them are addictive, toxic catastrophes responsible for injuring, sterilizing and killing hundreds of millions if not billions of people. I would never knowingly consume any of them, and neither would you or any of our friends, and in a world where they simply ceased to exist, everyone would be better off.

But here's the thing. That is the same logic that led to the disaster of alcohol prohibition, which led to the even more disastrous war on drugs, which drove countless people into black markets for unsafe products, unleashed never-ending crime waves, built ineradicable criminal syndicates, destroyed our civil liberties and midwifed the renegade deep-state enforcement organs that now scourge our country "seven ways to Sunday."

Telling people what food they are allowed to eat means forcibly preventing peaceful transactions between consenting adults. This is never a road we want to go down. When we do, we always reap a whirlwind of unintended consequences.

Maybe it's just lab-grown meat being banned today. But what's to stop DeSantis' successor from banning something else that "experts agree" and "everyone knows" is unhealthy?

I had dinner with a well established neuroscientist last night. She was horrified to learn that I had eaten thirty-six eggs the day before. She said the healthy limit was more like three or four *a month*, and urged me to talk to my doctor to understand why.

Ban lab-grown meat and they'll seize that precedent to come after your eggs in about five minutes. They will not even need to gin up a "bird flu."

Glad you and Infowars are still in the fight!

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100% ban all GMO crops, & heavily limit regulate these pesticides. End all corn/ethanol subsidies & reform “free trade” agriculture policies. Reform regulatory agencies so they are not doing the bidding of multinational corporations. Such agencies must be staffed & purposed to expose real data on effects of current system. States can play a role in details. Even legal reforms to allow consumers & states to sue foe damages caused by externalities should be implemented.

There are better & worse policies to get the same outcome. Whatever details/policies/incentives are used, the goal should be organic/regenerative agriculture that supports the health of a nation rather than profit & trade.

At some level government will play a role as it already is. Anyone concerned about overreach should get out and lead. It’s the ends we care about not the means.

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I would describe the issue this way: There are probably some people to whom lab grown meat represents perfect nutrition in the same way raw eggs do to some "right wing" bodybuilders. (I happen to believe the RWBB are much, much closer to correct.) Doesn't a top down government mandate against one or the other food choice violate a fundamental right guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence: the freedom of strictly personal choice in a matter of an individual's "pursuit of happiness"?

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No. I’m not interested in the rights of a corporation to exploit & profit off the suffering of society. Most people can be easily manipulated by psychological programming overwhelming & controlling their base instincts. Only 2 countries on earth allow Pharma ads on TV. Don’t care about the rights of pharma. Ban their advertising.

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