It really shocks me how liberal people can exist, a younger less understanding me ascribed them a “evil will to destruction and ethnocide” and surely that’s true for many of them, but nowadays I realize that these people aren’t evil as in “this act/policy will allow us to obtain more power and control while destroying our enemies” no no it’s not that, it’s much worse, because the horror to me was when I realized they weren’t pragmatic mad geniuses out of a bond movie in ridiculous outfits that meet in evil secret lairs to plot evil deeds…I mean they aren’t that far from it since dollar store Palpatine dresses like a super villain and has the weird German accent on top of it but that’s not my point: no if they were this they would have to be COMPETENT enough to surely maintain their power, and maybe some are like that, but the mix of horror and laughter came into my mind when I realized that most of them actually believe the batshit insane policies that they push are GOOD and EFFECTIVE and won’t result in their nations being for all intents and purposes destroyed but rather “enriched”, the reason liberals use the word “enrichment and diversity” isn’t just to mock in sarcasm the evil of their deeds…no it’s so much worse: they actually believe it.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 25Liked by Raw Egg Nationalist

And what's even more awful, they are filled with an acolyte-like religious faith sense of purity and redemptive moral righteousness.

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Needs two-million dollars to build a public toilet.

Also: "We're going to build a world government to plan and control the entire world's economy".

The lack of self-awareness is cosmic.

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Jun 25Liked by Raw Egg Nationalist

It's really interesting how climate change forces us to adopt all of the policies that the WEF already advocated for. I wonder how they were so ahead of the times...

Sorry to hear about the dox btw, hope it isn't affecting you heavily.

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Thank you, my friend. It hasn't hurt me one bit. Quite the opposite, in fact.

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"Ha! Look everyone! Another right-wing poster is a handsome, fit chad."

That'll stop kids from going over to the right.

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Good to hear

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Jun 25Liked by Raw Egg Nationalist

Any talk by these control freaks of diversity and diversification is a total gaslighting plague of lies. The word diversity has been totally twisted Mister! Just as in East Germany many believed they were participating in a egalitarian process for “the people”. The opposite truth gradually emerged as many began trying to escape. There are numerous other examples throughout the history of humankind. Many people are losing sight of reality very gradually, an insidious process of lies substituted for truth.

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Jun 25Liked by Raw Egg Nationalist

I believe in climate change as much as I do their other narratives of UFOs and Vaccines. Fossil fuels is a misnomer. I was not always this skeptical, but wisdom comes with age. Settle climate after we nuke Israel.

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But people in the US are all moving to Texas and Florida.

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Avgust von Bornhauser's Gulag Nord suggestion is sounding better every day.

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For migrants, lands of opportunity, like beauty, could be thought of as being in the eye of the beholder.

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"Travelled 60 countries"

Without noticing that people can survive in almost any environment?

It was travelling which nudged me into looking into the possibility that 'climate change' was exaggerated.

Not the same effect for everyone it seems.

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