"One of President Trump’s obvious strengths was his status as an outsider, but it was also perhaps his greatest weakness. He didn’t realize who his friends and enemies were."


MAGA members in 2016 gave DJT 17,000 resumes of professionals who worked their asses off to get him elected to put in place in his Administration and the federal Borg to promote the America First agenda, polices, and programs so they were institutionalized.

Instead, he turned the task over to Reince Prebus and the RNC who put in place all the people who undermined him, his policies, and MAGA.

Let's hope this time he has learned from that and does not repeat that catastrophic mistake.

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Hope I don’t go to prison. That would be bad, mkay.

On the Trump thing: I think he seriously thought being POTUS would be like running the Trump Org. I.e. his admin would be like employees who would take orders and then set those orders into action.

When instead everyone who surrounded him - and DC in general, all behave after one primary principle: myself first!

There is no loyalty; no backbone, and no shame. Everyone’s an enemy, and the only way to keep someone from the Swamp loyal is to give or promise them as much - or more, as they can get from undermining you. There’s no-one there willing to go down with the ship or take a bullet on some form of principe of honor or for the cause.

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In other words, politics isn't all that different from personal life. You reward your friends with love and affection and material assistance (financial or otherwise, if absolutely needed and within your means), and distance yourself completely from your foes, and, if a said foe doesn't respect that distance, be completely willing to take him out behind the woodshed.

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RemovedAug 23
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Kim, you don't articulate what superfood the members of the current regime are eating that enables them to so tenaciously hold onto their power.

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