I don't have objective qualifications as a judge of literary or artistic merit. My field of study at university was mathematics, and most of my working life was as a government statistician and tax examiner (don't worry, my political sympathies are MAGA and right wing). But to my mind (having been a follower of your material since I read this article when it appeared in The American Mind) you're one of the few (countable on less than the fingers of a hand) whose writing in quality consistently rises above the "soul-sapping ugliness of the modern world".

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Well said, Bob.

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I would challenge anyone to get their deadlift up and then try to pretend that it isn't much easier to carry their shopping in from the car.

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Love the article, despite having read some poison regarding BAP's sexual relationships with men and his background. I get that his book did some good overall.

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Excellent content, as always. One question, though, regarding the “post fizeek” mention and BAP: there’s been speculation on X that his account pic isn’t actually him, but some queer soccer player from England(?). Would you happen to know if that’s true or not? I asked him (since we were mutuals since 2020), and he blocked me.

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Yeah it’s hard to take all this aesthetic masculine centric advice from an anon who won’t post body.

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